Hurm..this is an old story...before i started this blog. Tapi nak jugak letak kat sini sbb akan tetap jd kenangan sampai bila2. Kitorg blk Penang pd 10 Jun 08 selama 5 ari. MIL masuk umah baru. The house was so big... Just imagine it has 9 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, 2 stores, 2 VIP rooms, 2 big halls and 1 lib room..I dunno how she's gonna manage that house. At least she should hire 2 maids rite?...I want to share samting...the story, the things happened there. She asked us to transfer to Penang (meaning stay wif her).. I say nothing...neither my hubby.. lgpun I know that syurga anak lelaki di bawah tapak kaki ibunya... But I guess there will be some problems sooner. Berat mata memandang...berat lg bahu memikul. But I am very lucky to have a husband that caring his family (me n Putri) so much. He discuss wif me first b4 making any decision. Finally the decision is NO. After calculating a few...we found out that our budget n cost living there is much more higher than living in KL. MIL already know our decision. Then together we discuss about this thing. FYI, she will be staying there alone..all her children and husband study n working far from hometown. These are some suggestion :-
- Sewa kat org - of course rumah tu jd hancur..u know how penyewa like kan....heheh
- Jual rumah tu - we all love that house so much...lgpun ada tak org nak beli umah tu ngan harga about RM1 juta
- FIL benti keje - ni pun susah jugak sbb mana nak dpt duit banje nnti kan...heheh
- Kitorg transfer to Penang - the answer is NO
The house has a proper security : CCTV and alarm. But still not suitable to stay there ALONE rite. Till now...we dun have any decision...huhuhu. Any suggestion please...:D
So this is the house ( or maybe i should call it 'Istana')...heheh..Penat giler kemas umah ni...
Gambar ni plak masa kat umah lama....Putri ni mmg suka sgt ngan kucing...huhu
The best part is...kitorg sempat sambut Father's Day after the Tahlil...Kebetulan Pak Lang n Pak Uda dorg pun join la...fuh...syok,syok....:D
From left : Abah, Abang, Pak Lang n Pak Uda
Balik ke KL on Monday, 16 June 2008. My officemate called n told me that my parcel (Putri's table) had arrived on Friday. So we went straight to my office to pick up the table. Putri like it very much..see her reaction...:D
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